Dear friends and family,
year I resolved to get a Christmas / New Year
off before mid-January.
is my prayer for each of you that this find
in good health and enjoying all the blessings
our God, each in ways that meet your needs
this time in your lives |
Today I am meeting my deadlines to make things that are intended as
gifts from FF clients. That means I have nearly one week to get my own
things in order. I have made the decision to not decorate the house.
I used to do so, but my resolve to not give SaskPower one penny more
than necessary, had me cut out lights some years back, and more recently,
I also leave other decorations in the boxes. During daylight hours a
simple glance out of any of my windows provides me of my visitors with
a more breathtaking view than any picture card I have ever seen. If you
are a visitor to my web site at You will have seen
the ever changing images of the forest home in which I reside.
I will be hosting a Christmas Day meal for friends and then hope to
travel out to Watson to see family shortly after. I am not sure yet just
what day that will be.
member of my Friendly Forest family is King. Although he is past
12 years of age by the best reckoning, he still has good health
and is a constant source of joy for me. He shows his advancing
age most by being ready to quit chasing ball sooner than in the
past. For those who know him and have experienced his own version
of welcome at Friendly Forest. I am sure that he would wish you
the best of the holiday period as well. |
the past 12 months I have learned a lot about care for seniors with
Christmas my friend Bob King was in the hospital
with two broken legs. He survived that critical time, and was back
in a private care home until he was accepted at Mount St. Joseph Home
April. I eventually had the responsibility to clearing out his house
and putting it up for sale. Since Bob was still living independently
until his fall off a bicycle in October, his house was simply the home
he lived in and had not been organized or cleaned for sale. That was
an eye-opening experience for me, and makes me cringe at the prospect
of anyone having to do the same kind of cleaning and dispersal on my
behalf in the future. I had been given enduring power of attorney for
Bob’s affairs some years back, but actually letting go and allowing
me to really act in his stead was very difficult for Bob ... and in turn,
difficult for me. I won’t go into any details.
have continued to work at my wood art though I am slowing down a
bit. For one thing,
I am
taking time to make a few nice pieces for
and I appreciate these additions to my home. I also realize that I
have never made any money at what I do, and doing things in a manner
creates stress rather than enjoyment does not make any sense at all
in these circumstances. I recognize that the sale of my earlier work
afforded me the opportunity to build my skills and try new things that
I would likely not have undertaken otherwise. My philosophy has been: “I
need to sell my old mistakes so I can afford to make new ones.” That
has really been quite an accurate statement of my situation. As I reviewed
my images from the past year I remind even myself of the many things
I have undertaken in a relatively short time.

made “stuff” , in wood, in leather and with
beads, things profane and things sacred.
found a clump of 9 Western Red Lilly blossoms on a single stem. I
found that I could not afford to drive my truck all the time, and financed
a small VW Golf that gives me three times the road miles per litre
compared to my faithful truck. I set up a traditional camp at the
East Gate of
the Sacred Hoop Trail I made in the forest. I did a four-day Spring
fast in April when the Sacred Hoop Trail was blessed, and enjoyed
four days of special celebration in June at the time of full moon and
summer solstice to just celebrate what the Hoop has come to mean in
my spiritual life. I especially thank my friends who came out to
pray with
me and who celebrated with me at those special times.
My process of learning new ways of prayer has also recently brought
me to praying with Sweat Lodge Ceremony prayer.
I took time during our rather cold and wet summer to collect medicinal
herbs from the land and patiently dried them and stored them away for
future use. I also shared my collection with friends who use these same
gifts from the earth. Earlier this week I used some to make a new batch
of traditional cansasa / traditional tobacco, and also a new batch of
my incense for use in smudge prayer.
I continue with our local inter-denominational scripture study group
and still do my part in our local Catholic parish community.
have had the thought that if it is true that mongrel dogs tend to
be stronger
and healthier
than pure-breed dogs, perhaps it is also
true about the spiritual life of a person. I certainly have a “mongrel’ spiritual
heritage; the Judeo-Christian, Catholic, Benedictine, Dakota, and now
Dene, spirituality and prayer forms; each has contributed a great deal
to helping me connect to the Creator who made me and abides with me
each moment of my life. Each spiritual tradition is rooted in a culture,
each tradition has wonderful ways of expressing the connections ancient
peoples had with their God. What is ancient is also new and available
in my life now.
continue to support provincial Green politics. Recently I agreed
to fill a vacancy until the spring as Vice President of the Green
of Saskatchewan, and I continue as the web master of our official web
site, I still have the old site going, and along
with my Friendly Forest site, I maintain three web sites. That actually
takes a lot of my time. The Green Party of Saskatchewan site is actually
a merging and revamping of our two former sites, the site
and the site. Both of these sites will be discontinued in the
new year. I have to go through a lot of email and information articles
to try to keep the political site up to date. We do have quite a few
site visitors and I am told that at the U of Regina, professors and students
say that our site is the best of all the political sites in Saskatchewan,
echoing what the media said during the last election in 2003. I am a
total amateur with no formal training in this stuff, so I am rather proud
of that compliment. Perhaps if I had the training professional site developers
have I could do it with less effort, and also get paid for the effort.
It has been a good learning experience, and our Party really did need
someone to do the job for free.
I have been doing a lot of reading. Much of it has been about traditional
spirituality and ceremony, history books, plant medicine and plant identifications,
and what-ever else caught my interest over the past year. After so many
years of having time to read only what I needed to read for the job,
it is a great pleasure to be able to read for my own information and
winter I will try my hand at some more bead work. Last winter my
efforts largely
a Cree elder’s words true when she said
I could never learn how to do bead work. However, if you know me at
all, you know that someone telling me I can’t do something
is a challenge, and I either have to prove them wrong or right by
my own efforts. I do
have two pair of beaded moccasins, a beaded tobacco pouch and a few
other items that vividly show my limited progress in the art. I tried
my hand
at making ceremonial rattles, and now that work is used by half a dozen
traditional medicine people. I keep being told that I need to acquire
or learn traditional songs for ceremonial prayers. I protest that if
Creator had wanted me to sing in Dakota or Dene I would have been given
a good singing voice and I would likely have been born into one or
both of those cultures so I could learn the language ... or at least
I would
have been given the capacity to learn those languages. Time will see
what, if anything, develops in that line. I figure that if a sacred
song is used to call on the presence of various of Creator’s
Spirits, then the voice should sound inviting and not be such that
it frightens
man, beast and spirit away.
people ask me how I am doing, my standard reply, which seems more
true each
time I express
it, is: “Much better than I deserve, and
I deserve a great deal!” My year and my life have been blessed,
and it is my prayer that the same be true for you and all those you
Gerald, at Friendly Forest
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